Monday 13 July 2009


This is how it all started folks.

As per usual, I would relax my hair whenever I felt it was necessary, would shampoo my hair once a week and once dried, would use my beloved flat iron to get these luscious hair was shiny and bouncy and really soft to touch.

Then, in 2008, i became more aware of what I was doing to hair and how badly I was treating it. That was not an obstacle to its growth though...I guess, I can thank my parents for that!

Anyway, I came across a few websites explaining how bad shampoos were for our type of hair and decided all of a sudden that I was fed up of doing my hair every week , of relaxing it every 8 weeks or so and decided to get on board with the conditioner-only type of washing. My hair LOVED it and kept growing longer. I was twisting my hair and used CurlyNikki's Twist & Curl method which gave me amazing results (

That's how I entered my journey in Transitionland....

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